The Promise of Perfect Peace

Main Text: Isaiah 26: 1-4
Memory Verse Text: Isaiah 26: 3

There is no promise anywhere in the Bible which encourages us to believe that while we are in our earthly bodies we shall experience freedom from trouble; but there is something far better – there is the promise of peace in the midst of trouble.  Of what value would freedom from trouble be if we had no inward peace?  Yet how wonderful it is that in the midst of the fiercest battle, and while the storm is at its height, the trusting soul may experience inward peace, a deep down calm and a quiet confidence!

 But what is perfect peace?  Can we define it?  Yes, it is a condition of freedom from disturbance within the soul; it is perfect harmony reigning within.  
1. The Hebrew word “shalom” has in it the idea of soundness of health, so that to be filled with perfect peace is to be spiritually healthy and free from all discord within the soul. 
2.  There can be no room for jealousy, envy, discontent, uncontrolled temper, selfishness, pride or intolerance in the soul which is filled with peace, for all these things are disturbing factors in the heart.    
3. The peace which God offers, and which we by His grace may experience, is very practical.  It is none other than a great calm which He commands –  Mark 4:39. 

 God calls the peace which He gives, “perfect peace”.  In what sense is it perfect?

1. It is perfect in QUALITY:
That is to say, it is perfect in the kind of peace it is.  
2. It is perfect in QUANTITY:
 That is to say, the supply of it is sufficient and it exactly meets our need. This is very significant when we turn to Philippians 4:7, for there we are told that this double peace is peace of heart and mind, and that is the kind of peace we need, a peace which garrisons our mind and calms our heart. 
3. It is perfect in CONSTANCY:
4.   That is to say, it is permanent and not intermittent.  The promise says, “you will keep…” – compare Psalm 121:4.
How does this peace come to us:
1. By Christ Jesus.  
The Lord Jesus Christ is the channel through whom the peace of God flows into our souls.  This peace within is the possession of the Christian alone.  There is no peace for anyone who does not possess Christ and who is not resting on the finished work of Christ for salvation.
2. By the Holy Spirit. 
The Lord Jesus Christ procured peace for us upon the cross of Calvary; but it is conveyed to our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit.
3. By His Word.  
Look up the great promise which is made in Psalm 119:165.  Things and people can so often disturb us, or even cause us to stumble, but here is a promise of perfect peace to those people who love and meditate in and obey the Word of God.
Father, let the promise of your perfect peace be fulfilled in all my troubled situations.
Help me and every believer to hold on to your word, and to enjoy this promise to the fullest in every situation.


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