Welcome to the Month of December

Glory be to God in the highest for bringing us to the last month in the year 2019. With confidence in His Word and His power, we shall surely see the end and cross over to the new year by His grace and mercy in Jesus name. Letter 12 represents covenant: The Lord will remember His covenant and honour your life. HE will remember His promises and visit your situations. He will once again remember His words and give you victory over all your challenges and trials, in Jesus name. It also represents foundation: The Lord will shake and destroy every faulty foundation of your life and that is fighting your glory and destiny in Jesus name. He will remain a sure foundation for your life in every area for uncommon breakthrough In Jesus name. It also separate the night and the day: The Bible says weeping may endure till the night, but joy comes in the morning. The Lord will end weeping, sorrow and shame in your life and give you a new song of victory, celebration and jubilat...