Restoration by the Power of His Word
Restoration by the Power of His Word
Study Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10
- The same God who, by the Words of His mouth spoke everything that we see into existence, is the unchangeable God that is still alive today.
- There are two basic miracles that need to take place in our Church.
(1) - There Is The miracle Of Regeneration.
- This speaks of sinners coming to know the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. (This is the greatest miracle of all.)
(2) - There Is The miracle Of Restoration.
-. This speaks of the saints getting their lives back in order with the Lord. Both of these things are a ‘must’ in our Church.
- The story that is before us portray both of these miracles. It helps us to better understand that God can still save lost sinners; and He can still revive the Christian and the Church that has allowed the things of God to die out in their life.
-. We will not necessarily be focusing on the miracle (though it was a great miracle) - our attention will be on the Great God, the One who performed and worked this Great miracle.
-. A miracle always confirms the Word of the Lord and the Lord of the Word.
- God brought Ezekiel to a valley that was covered with bones. These bones were scattered out all over the valley.
-. As he stands there and looks on, God begins to speak to him. {37:3}- “Can these bones live?” Ezekiel made a wise statement: “O Lord God, Thou knowest”.
- The Prophetical interpretation and application is to the Nation of Israel. Notice 37:11, “… these bones are the whole house of Israel.” But we want to look at the practical application, seeing this passage of Scripture on how God can bring life from death. God is the God of the impossible.
1. Great Problem Appearing Impossible
-. God gave Ezekiel a Divine Appointment that was neither attractive nor promising. The calling and direction given by God to Ezekiel defied all human reasoning.
- Why did God give Ezekiel such a difficult situation to face?
- Let us consider the place where God had placed Ezekiel.
i. It was a Devastating Situation
-. All Ezekiel could see were bones in this valley. How devastating this must have been.
(1)- They Were Dead Bones.
- There was no life whatsoever. What was once a great army marching to battle was now just a pile of bones. There was no sign of movement.
- These bones represent a life that is alienated from God. They represent a person who has chosen to live their life apart from the Lord. They are what the Word of God calls “Spiritually Dead”.
- A person without Christ has no life whatsoever. Their body may have physical life - but they are ‘spiritually dead’ on the inside. Ephesians 2:1
- A person whose life is controlled by the things of this world is dead on the inside. Satan does not give a person life - he gives them death.
(2). They Were Dry Bones.
-. A person without Christ; a person who lives their life separated from God’s help, is in a “hopeless” state.
- They may look like they have everything going on well for them, but without Christ, they are not living - they are only existing.
- No one has Real Joy apart from the Lord Jesus. They may be happy on the outside - but only Jesus can give a person Real Joy. A person may have pleasure on the outside - but only Jesus can give a person Real Peace.
- The people who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ don’t know what real living is all about. Their life exists only in the valley.
ii. It was a Disheartening Situation
- Ezekiel saw a pile of lifeless bones. His heart must have dropped when God placed him in this valley of bones.
-. Bones cannot execute and carry out plans. Bones don’t have a future. They just have a past. There is no zeal, no fire, no emotion, no heart, no driving force in a pile of bones.
-. These bones have no awareness of the surrounding situation In fact, they were not aware of any situation. Danger could have been approaching them, and they would have just lied there; unaware, unconcerned.
- The Bones Have No Activity.
- These bones at one time represented life; represented hope. At one time, these bones represented a bright future. At one time, these bones were vibrant; alive; doing something good. Now look at them. This valley has no activity; no awareness; no ambition.
iii. It was a Discouraging Situation
- In this situation, Ezekiel is the only one who has any form of life. He is the only one who is ready for what lies of head. He is the only one that is listening to the Lord. He is the only one who really cares about what God says and thinks.
- Ezekiel stands there alive, but all alone.
-. If Ezekiel had one word to describe the situation that he was in, it would be the word I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E! This situation seemed helpless and hopeless.
2. The Prophecy Addressing the Impossible
- God had taken Ezekiel to a place of impossibility. God allowed Ezekiel to observe the situation.
-. As Ezekiel stood there looking at these bones, about that time, God asks him a question. “Son of man, Can these bones live?”
-. God was not seeking information. These words “Can these bones live” indicates that God was up to something.
-. Ezekiel’s response was very wise. This response should help us to understand how Mighty our God really is. Look at what Ezekiel said - “O Lord God, Thou knowest”
-. We must understand that God is in control of every situation; no matter how difficult it may seem. When God does the asking, this means He is about to do something.
1. This Valley of Dry Bones is about to teach us that THERE IS NO PERSON TOO HARD FOR GOD TO SAVE!!
2. This Valley of Dry Bones is about to teach us that THERE IS NO PLACE TOO HARD FOR GOD TO REVIVE!
-. God was going to give him the solution. Only God could raise up these bones. Only God had the solution. But God needed Ezekiel to be obedient to His Command.
- How could Ezekiel expect something great to happen when it seemed there was no life in sight?
The only hope of anything happening in this valley of dry bones is found in; 37:3, “O Lord God, Thou knowest.” The words “Thou knowest” held the key for something great to happen.
- Ezekiel knew that he couldn’t bring those bones back together - but he did know that only God knew and only God could do something.
- A faith that depends totally upon God begins to expect something great from God - BECAUSE GOD IS THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!
- Your faith must rise above the devil’s lies if you are ever going to expect something great from God.
- Ezekiel did not ask the Lord one question. He proceeded with a definite expectancy.
- Ezekiel knows God could do something for these bones. When God spoke to Ezekiel, he raised his voice with urgency, knowing that God had spoken and that God could do the impossible.
- Ezekiel knew that his opinion of the situation wouldn’t help matters - he needed a word from God.
- Life Generates Life. And we know that there is life in the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12
- The Word of God presents the Lord Jesus Christ as a Living Lord. No one can separate the Word of the Lord from the Lord of the Word.
- There is life in this Book. When the Word of God is read, life begins to manifest itself.
- If the God of the ‘impossible’ is going to raise up those dry bones - they must be given the Word of God.
- When God created man, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. The Bible speaks of the Word of God as the “inspiration of God” - which means ‘God breathed’.
- It is not the sermon that can save and revive people - ONLY JESUS SAVES PEOPLE! ONLY JESUS REVIVES PEOPLE AND PLACES!
- Any work that is done for God must have the breath of God upon it if people are going to be saved.
- If those dead, dry bones are going to have life, they must have a Word from God and they must be soaked in prayer. Then, God is going to bring (death to life) in the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. The Power that Accomplishes the Impossible
- When Ezekiel obeyed the command of the Lord, something begins to happen. God was going to display His Power.
-. When God begins to move there was no way for those bones to sit still. When God moved - the bones moved.
-. When they heard the Word of the Lord; when the Holy Spirit begins to blow, it just seems logical for those bones to come together.
- THE WORLD NEEDS REALITY. And the Reality comes from the BREATH OF GOD.
- If a person is going to have life - they must have breath. They must have birth. ALL THESE BONES NEEDED WAS LIFE !! (Something happened to these bones when God moved.)
- You can make a difference where you live, where you work - if God has breathed upon your life. If you are a Christian, there will be a difference in your life compared to the life of a sinner.
If you want to go to Heaven - you must have the Holy Spirit to breathe life into you. And there will be a difference in your life when the Holy Spirit works in you.
- When you look at your situation and all you can see is hopelessness, fear and captivity, be assured that God is the God of Restoration. He is eager to make you smile again. He is eager to turn your sadness to joy and your shame to fame.
-. Just as Ezekiel prophesied upon the dry bones and life came back unto them, the Lord Jesus will turn your story around for glory. God Almighty who alone has the final say, says, “Your dry bones shall rise again.”
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