Supernatural Power Through His Resurrection

Supernatural Power through His Resurrection Study Text: Psalms 63: 1 - 2 Introduction: - We live in a world today where the Power of God is a critical necessity for survival. - Supernatural Power is needed in life to fulfil destiny and surmount obstacles. It takes the Power of God to subdue the works of darkness. -. The tragedy of our generation is not the powerfulness of the Devil, but the powerlessness of the saints. To bring the power of darkness under control, you need the Power of God. - It takes supernatural power to overcome satanic wickedness, sustain motion, to move and keep on moving, so that your destiny is not arrested. - It takes supernatural power to fulfil destiny, to walk in the program of God for your life, to undertake divine assignment with great success and fulfill divine purpose for your life. -. We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings: 1. The Salient Points on Sup...