Welcome to December: Your Season of Triumphant Openings
Welcome to December: Your Season of Triumphant Openings
We give Glory to the Most High for making us see the beginning of the last month. In Him we have assurance and confidence that we will end this year with joy and celebrations, even for the months and years to come, we will enjoy the goodness of God in the land of the living in Jesus name.
I rejoice with you on seeing this wonderful new day, week and month. From the 1st to the 31st of December, you will always have reasons to rejoice and sing for joy in Jesus name.
Welcome to the festive month. May you spend it in joy, fulfillment, happiness and abundance of all good and glorious things in Jesus name.
Let us put on the garment of praise this season to honour and magnify our God, for His right hand has done valiantly for us since the year began.
He has kept us by His power, provided for all our needs, strengthened us, protected us, fought our battles, blessed us in diverse ways, healed us, and restored our souls. This is just to mention but a few amongst innumerable things he has done for us as individuals, families and as the Church.
No single individual among us will say the Lord has not been faithful to Him or her. The Bible says in Psalm 150:6 that everything that has breath should praise the Lord.
As we go on a journey to end the year 2024, do not let your soul be downcast and do not be disturbed within your spirit but put your hope in God as you praise Him because He is your saviour and your God. Only Him deserves your praise.
The month of December is declared: Your Season of Triumphant Openings. As we receive the word of the Lord for this month, it is my prayer for you that your faith is increased and strengthen that you may do great and mighty things with it. Every word of God spoken to you will not return unto Him void, but will fulfill Divine purpose in your life in Jesus name.
Revelation 3:7-8
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
Open doors will enrich your welfare; will liberate you from a place of bondage and release you to a place of blessing. Imagine where you would be without open doors? What if you had nothing but closed doors to friendship, education, or employment? What if doors of opportunity were always closed? Worse yet, imaging not being able to access God during a time of crisis and doors of prayer were barricaded?
I want to make something expressly clear: You need open doors in your life, and this is the season. In fact, you can’t live without them. If you are locked behind closed doors you are incarcerated! You are merely existing; not thriving. Prisons confine and prevent people from passing into places of freedom.
But know this: There is no door so thick, none so strong, none so securely locked that the Lord Almighty cannot simply speak His Word and unhinge before you! The power of Christ opens doors that seem impenetrably shut! That’s what Isaiah 45:1 means when it says, “[I will] open doors before you . . . I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.”
When the sovereign Lord speaks, no door can remain shut. I declare that every closed door against you is opened by the power of His words in Jesus name. You will finish well and finish strong in Jesus name.
Happy New Month and welcome to your season of Triumphant Openings.
Bishop Prof. Julius O. Soyinka
Ultimate Power Gospel Assembly, Nigeria
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