Power for Living: New Year Special Edition
Power for Living: New Year Special Edition, 2025 The New Year: Opportunity for a New Beginning Study Text: Philippians 3:13 - 14 Introduction: Anytime a new year is beginning, it is an opportunity to prepare for a new beginning in all areas of your life. The New Year is not a repetition of the concluding year, but a beginning of a fresh year. Therefore, you should not hope to begin again, but to have a new beginning. This can happen as you do a critical review of the concluding year and to trust God for a fresh start to achieve a greater glory. The Holy Spirit will want to offer to you a way of starting the New Year in a way which will significantly change your life for better. There are commitments expected of you by the Word of God that will guarantee that you will have a glorious and successful New Year. 1. Be Committed to Put your Failure and Setback behind This advice from God’s Word has stood the test of time. We don't have to live our lives imprisoned by our pas...