
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Path of the Lord is Full of Abundance

TOPIC: THE PATH OF THE LORD IS FULL OF ABUNDANCE. TEXT: PSALM 65:11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drips with abundance NKJV  Our God is a God of abundance. The Lord owns the world and the abundance thereof.  Psalms 24:1. He desires all his people to enjoy the abundance of His blessings. The book of John 10:10 says  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. KJV  These blessings are for this life and the life to come. A lot of blessings are waiting for us in heaven. Things that eyes have not seen, that ears have not heard, neither has it ever entered into the heart of men. There are three points to discuss in this sermon. They are: 1. The promise of abundance  2. The Path to our abundance and  3. The profit of abundant life. 1. THE PROMISE OF ABUNDANCE.  Every child of God can have the abundance of His blessin...

All Things were Created by Him

ALL THINGS WERE CREATED BY HIM Study Text:   Colossians 1:15-20 Introduction:  - The most important question that anyone can ask and explore is ‘Who is Jesus Christ?’ So many people do not know the right answer to that question.  Jesus Himself, when he walked on this earth turned to His disciples one day and said ‘Who do you say I am?’ It is a critical question.  - There is no One just like Jesus. He is vastly superior to and different from anyone else who has ever lived on this earth. In the city of Colosse the church was being infiltrated by those who had a distorted faith. Paul's approach to this problem is very instructive. He does not attack the heresy but emphasizes the truth. -  Many in our day know that there is a lot of wrong "out there" but they do nott know what the truth is. In our passage this morning Paul underlines the most important distinctive of our faith.  - Paul tells us that Jesus was more than one of the prophets. He speaks in muc...