
Showing posts from January, 2020

Waiting Upon the Lord

TOPIC: WAITING UPON THE LORD Main Text: Isaiah 40: 26-31 Memory Verse Text: Isaiah 40: 31 If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that there is very much failure in our Christian living and service: 1. The Word of God convinces us of our failure.  Do we not oftentimes “faint” and have “no power” (verse 29)?  Do we not often “grow tired” and do we not frequently “fall” (verse 30)?   2.  Observation also convinces us of our failure.   We know it is true that we fail because our eyes tell us so as we look at ourselves.  Our own heart tells us that it is true.  How faint and weary we become, and how slow we are to learn the way of victory and power! –  Proverbs 14:10. What is the cause of our failure? 1. The primary cause is Ignorance of the Resources which are at our Disposal.  Isaiah 40:28 says: “Do you not know…?”  What are the resources at our disposal?  In verses 28 and 29 we read that “The Lord, the everlasting...

Keys to Victorious 2020

KEYS TO VICTORIOUS 2020: Thanks be to God who always give us victory in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15: 57. If you will live vicariously in all areas of your life this year, you must be connected with Jesus. In Jesus Christ, you are not fighting for victory, but you are fighting from victory to victory. In Jesus Christ, you are not beginning again, but you are experiencing a new beginning, which is always with a greater glory than the previous. Haggai 2:9. There are six important keys for you to be victorious in this new year. I will be using each letter in the word TWENTY to signify a key. 1. T: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Psalm 118:8, Psalm 125:1. There are 5 category of things to trust the Lord for in this year: I. Protection from the enemies and all evils. Isaiah 54:17 II. Provision of all your needs. Phil 4:19 III. Promotion in all areas of life. Psalm 3:3 IV. Peace that passes all understanding. Phil 4:7 V. Power that can do the impossible. Mark 16: 17. 2. W: Walk in o...

2020 Our Year of Double Portion Blessings

2020: OUR YEAR OF DOUBLE PORTION BLESSINGS The key verse from the Lord to you this year is: Isaiah 61:7  For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them. That is the great promise of God for you this year. In place of shame, reproach and humiliation, you shall have a double portion blessing as your inheritance and reward. All that is required from you is to draw closer to the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly, and He will fulfill His words in your life. There are two basis for claiming the promises of God: 1.  If it is written, you can believe God for the fulfilment in your life and situation. 2.  If it has happened before, you can believe God for the performance of it in your life and situation after the order of previous performance. There are six references in the scriptures that can serve as our basis for believing God for double portio...