Preservation by His Mercies

Preservation by His Unfailing Mercies Study Text: Lamentation 3: 21 - 23 Introduction: - The journey of life is too cumbersome and very difficult to predict. Sometimes, certain unwholesome events come calling, when they are least expected. -. Most certainly, it is not the strongest of the species that always survive in life, not the most intelligent, but those who are the most receptive to the mercies of God. 1 Samuel 2:9. - Mercy is a distinctive attribute of the Supreme God that does not allow Him to overlook the helpless in his miserable estate. Numbers 14:18 - We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings: 1. Scriptural Pattern of the Preservation by His Mercy. 2. Salient Points on the Preservation by His Mercy. 3. Secured Practices for the Preservation by His Mercy. 1. Scriptural Pattern of the Preservation by His Mercy. -. There are several examples in th...