Freely Ye Have Received Freely Give
Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give. Study Text: Matthew 10:1 - 8. Introduction: -. Jesus called His disciples and commission them for the preaching of the Gospel. -. He empowered them for the great assignment because the Gospel is not expected to be preached in words only, but in the demonstration of the power of God for the blessings of mankind and to the glory of His name alone. -. He however, warn them not to make merchandise of the grace and gifts of God given to them. This is because they received them freely and they must bless the people and profit the Kingdom of God with it freely. -. We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings: 1. The Commission Advancing the Preaching of the Gospel 2. The Care Accompanying the Preaching of the Gospel 3. The Caution Associating with the Preaching of the Gospel 1. The Commission Advancing the Preaching of the Gospel -. Jesus sent...