Hearing the Voice of God
HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD Study Text: 1 Samuel 3: 1 - 12 Introduction: - God can speak to anyone He wants, any time He wants, through whatever means He wants, whether the person is expecting to hear His voice or not. - There are two major challenge in hearing the voice of God, and each is associated with terrible consequences. - The first one is mistaken the voice of God for the voice of man, as was the case with Samuel in our text. - The second one is mistaken the voice of man for the voice of God, as was the case of the young man of God who was deceived by the old prophet. - There are three characters we can see in our text: God, Samuel and Eli. God called Samuel, but he was unable to recognise His voice. On the long run, Eli was able to guide Samuel and he was able to communicate with God effectively. - We shall discuss the topic ...