Enoch: Understanding the Concept of Walking with God.

UPGA SERMON FOR SUNDAY SERVICE: ENOCH: UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF WALKING WITH GOD. Study Texts: Genesis 5: 22 - 24; Hebrews 11: 5 - 6 Introduction: - God is always looking for a walking partner, someone whose heart can be after His own heart, and who will only do what is well pleasing to Him. - God created man for the enjoyment of a walking relationship that involved companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and shared dominion. -- God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with him. - Enoch was the first man in the Bible who walked with God. Even though men began to call upon the name of the Lord in the early days (Genesis 4:26), Enoch was the first man to uncover the true delight of walking with God. - He found something even Adam didn't experience. He pressed into God until he learned how to commune with God throug...